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Education, Charity & Local Authority Packages

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This package focuses solely on empowering your staff to improve their mental wellbeing and reaching optimal performance over 7 sessions. Completed in groups of up to 12, (to ensure social and emotional safety), we train them in essential tools for life: managing and improving stress, energy management, teamwork (at home & work), holding focus, self-awareness, bodily awareness, finding optimal performance (i.e. flow), so participants can reach their full potential using tried and tested methods based in scientific research.


This programme uses an experiential form of learning. This means in each session, via the exercises we use, participants learn how they behave, reflect on that, then put in to practice some new tools to help them improve how they react in similar circumstances moving forward. This is matched with access to an online learning area where a range of actions help embed the new tools in to their daily life, allow for deeper reflection and additional learning.

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If you would like to empower your staff to help the children and families in their care to build their ability to problem solve, emotionally regulate, be resilient and build emotional intelligence, this programme could be the key. It focuses on supporting your staff (over 7 sessions) to develop the skills, tools and self-awareness to become the emotional coach of the children in your care. Building deep attachments and connections that allow children to feel safe, seen, heard and understood by your staff.

We draw on the latest scientific research around attachment theory, child development, neuroscience including brain and nervous system science, emotional intelligence and empowered conversations to expand their knowledge and understanding of a child’s inner world and how they can help them navigate the big emotions and daily challenges they face. We challenge perceptions, build self-awareness and provide a toolkit of frameworks to empower both staff and child.

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You may have a number of children or parents you know are needing additional support right now, as a result of emotional needs or challenging behaviours displayed by the child. Or you may wish to empower your foster carers and adoptive parents with the latest tools to help them all succeed. This package focuses on supporting those parents who are genuinely seeking deeper connection, desperately searching for a way to support their child's emotional needs and want to learn to become empowered parents.

As with the Empowered Child Package it teaches the same skills (plus much more), whilst equally coaching the parent to create a linear narrative linking experiences of how they were parented with their present day parenting challenges. It builds their self-awareness and ability to become their child’s emotional coach. It challenges generational patterns of parenting that haven’t served families well and opens their eyes to a new way forward positively changing patterns for generations to come.

Parent & Carer Packages

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Bronze - Online Only Package

This package is purely based online. Each week you'll work your way through workbooks and videos in an online learning area helping you to create your own linear narrative between past and present, understand your child at a new level and access a toolbox of frameworks to help you through any parenting challenge. With this package you will:

  • Get lifetime access to the online learning area.

  • Have access to weekly content taking you on a journey of self discovery.

  • Provide access to a toolbox of frameworks to help you through any parenting moment.

  • Have access to the online videos and weekly workbooks encouraging you to self-reflect and find meaning in the content for you.

  • Be able to go through the programme at your own pace.

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Silver - Group Coaching Package

This package not only provides access to the online learning content, but you'll also get access to 12 x group coaching sessions. These sessions allow you to navigate the content and learning together, share in the journey. Giving access to a parenting coach to help deepen your learning, understanding & application of content. With this package you will:

  • Get lifetime access to the online learning area.

  • Have access to weekly content taking you on a journey of self discovery.

  • Provide access to a toolbox of frameworks to help you through any parenting moment.

  • Have access to the online videos and weekly workbooks encouraging you to self-reflect and find meaning in the content for you.

  • Have access to a support network of up to 6 other parents/ couples facing similar challenges, via Facebook.

  • Get 3 months of weekly 1.5hr group coaching sessions (that's 12 sessions), these are held via Zoom.

  • We ensure a relationship of non-judgement, safety and trust is established between members of the coaching group and with the coach.

  • Have the opportunity to troubleshoot any of the content you're finding challenging in the group sessions.

  • Be able to bring specific parenting challenges you're facing to the group calls to access the coach support.

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Gold - 1-2-1 Coaching Package

This is the ultimate parenting package, where we'll support you on each step on a 1-2-1 basis. As with other packages you'll get access to online learning content to aid your learning. In addition, you'll have 12 x 

coaching sessions for you personally. Each week we'll discuss the online content and how it's changing your perspectives, whilst also using the weekly session to address specific parenting challenges you're facing. With this package you will:

  • Get lifetime access to the online learning area.

  • Have access to weekly content taking you on a journey of self discovery.

  • Provide access to a toolbox of frameworks to help you through any parenting moment.

  • Have access to the online videos and weekly workbooks encouraging you to self-reflect and find meaning in the content for you.

  • Get 3 months of weekly 1.5hr 1-2-1 coaching sessions on Zoom (that's 12 sessions for you and your partner).

  • We ensure a relationship of non-judgement, safety and trust is established with your coach.

  • Have the opportunity to troubleshoot any of the content you're finding challenging in the 1-2-1 coaching sessions.

  • Access tailored coaching by bringing live parenting challenges you're facing to the 1-2-1 calls each week.

  • Tailored approach to meet all your parenting and coaching needs.

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