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We work with children, family, care and education charities, as well as a range of Local Authority (LA) departments such as education to social care, fostering to children’s centres. The work we do is focused on helping your workers, parents, children and families thrive. 


As a charity or local authority you'll be looking to support the children, families and communities you work with in a way that leads to the deepest positive impact. That means doing the hard work to empower and support them to thrive. Asking the questions no one else wants to ask and being focused on resolving them.


It means challenging generational patterns, looking at the route of the problems rather than putting a sticking plaster on the symptoms and taking steps to resolve these challenges by creating new patterns that empower. 

Often at the heart of the challenges you're seeking to change is an improvement of human connection, an ability to help heal hearts, rebuild relationships and empower minds. Thus allowing children, parents, families and communities to break generational patterns that haven't served them well, so a positive pattern can be created for future generations. How and where do you even start with such a challenge?

The programmes and training we offer at Project Resilience seek to do just that, we make use of programmes based in the latest scientific research. Covering neuroscience, child development, attachment science, psychology, sociology and much more!


From developing your staff's ability to build self awareness, resilience and reach their 'optimal performance' to developing skills in your staff, parents or carers that can empower them to become a child's emotional coach, thus healing generations of disconnect - we've got you covered. Read below to learn more about how we can support you to achieve your mission.

Our packages

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This package focuses solely on empowering your staff to improve their mental wellbeing and reaching optimal performance over 7 sessions. Completed in groups of up to 12, (to ensure social and emotional safety), we train them in essential tools for life: managing and improving stress, energy management, teamwork (at home & work), holding focus, self-awareness, bodily awareness, finding optimal performance (i.e. flow), so participants can reach their full potential using tried and tested methods based in scientific research.


This programme uses an experiential form of learning. This means in each session, via the exercises we use, participants learn how they behave, reflect on that, then put in to practice some new tools to help them improve how they react in similar circumstances moving forward. This is matched with access to an online learning area where a range of actions help embed the new tools in to their daily life, allow for deeper reflection and additional learning.

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If you would like to empower your staff to help the children and families in their care to build their ability to problem solve, emotionally regulate, be resilient and build emotional intelligence, this programme could be the key. It focuses on supporting your staff (over 7 sessions) to develop the skills, tools and self-awareness to become the emotional coach of the children in your care. Building deep attachments and connections that allow children to feel safe, seen, heard and understood by your staff.

We draw on the latest scientific research around attachment theory, child development, neuroscience including brain and nervous system science, emotional intelligence and empowered conversations to expand their knowledge and understanding of a child’s inner world and how they can help them navigate the big emotions and daily challenges they face. We challenge perceptions, build self-awareness and provide a toolkit of frameworks to empower both staff and child.

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You may have a number of children or parents you know are needing additional support right now, as a result of emotional needs or challenging behaviours displayed by the child. Or you may wish to empower your foster carers and adoptive parents with the latest tools to help them all succeed. This package focuses on supporting those parents who are genuinely seeking deeper connection, desperately searching for a way to support their child's emotional needs and want to learn to become empowered parents.

As with the Empowered Child Package it teaches the same skills (plus much more), whilst equally coaching the parent to create a linear narrative linking experiences of how they were parented with their present day parenting challenges. It builds their self-awareness and ability to become their child’s emotional coach. It challenges generational patterns of parenting that haven’t served families well and opens their eyes to a new way forward positively changing patterns for generations to come.

Workshop and masterclass training options

We also deliver each of the sessions covered on the Empowered Staff Package, and most of the sessions from the Empowered Child/ Parent Packages as standalone workshops. These are typically lengthened sessions where additional content can be added to widen the learning on a particular subject. Therefore, the workshops we can deliver are as follows:

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1.5hr - 2hr masterclasses - We can deliver shortened versions of the sessions listed above via Zoom and online learning.

Half day workshops - Each of the workshops listed above are typically delivered in half day blocks, with additional learning added on to the 1.5hr programme based sessions, this helps to deepen their understanding of and connection to the tools we're training them in.

Full day workshops - Or we can combine sessions to cover a whole day training workshop. You can see the main learning points from the workshops descriptors provided in the package pages: Empowered Staff Package, Empowered Child Package, Empowered Parent Package.

We would work together to ensure we were clear on the needs and objectives of the training, carefully select the sessions to meet your needs and tailor as needed. We can also work with you to create tailored workshops and packages.

“The programme increased my awareness of my work/home balance and how to notice stress when it becomes a negative attribute. It’s helped me acknowledge techniques I use to manage stress aren't always best practise. I’ve adapted the way I prioritise and include personal goals within these priorities. This has allowed me to give myself periods to reflect and act before stressors become serious. This programme was really well balanced, interesting and well presented. I've never been on such an interactive and diverse programme, it’s the best I've been on.”

Joe Freeman, Local Authority Worker

What clients & participants said

"Working with Project Resilience had been a breath of fresh air. The content was probing, thought provoking and very applicable. The delivery and facilitation was careful, engaging and with good heart. It was great spending time working through this high quality programme. I highly recommend this to other Executive Teams."

Nick Blackburn, CEO, Lingfield Education Trust

“I needed a review of my work / life balance and progressing through the programme has highlighted various areas I need to adjust. The session on what gives you energy and what drains your energy was greatly helpful in analysing both the professional and personal sections of my life. It has given me the confidence and evidence to make and request changes to improve the stress in my life.”

Chris Buckley, Charity based worker

I really enjoyed the workshop. It was lovely to engage with other members of staff, listening to their thoughts and input both on a work level and personal level. It made me realise we’re all in similar situations and there for each other. All of the material, both in the workshop and online, was very good and helpful. It was really well presented; people were at ease and able to discuss their feelings freely. I think everyone would benefit from this workshop, especially people in stressful jobs or with stressful home lives.”

Linda McCabe, Charity based worker

“The programme has opened my eyes to areas that I need to work on. I've known about these areas but this programme challenged them head on. It’s made me realise that I can (and now do) mentally log off every day. That has really helped during the home working / home schooling months. I’ve found the programme, along with the tools it teaches, very useful.”

Su Barrett, Local authority worker

“The programme has allowed me to see light at the end of the tunnel. It’s changed my perspective from a glass being half empty to a glass being half full. It’s allowed me to relax a lot more and not stress about things that are not in my control. The programme allowed me to see I wasn't alone in lockdown frustrations, as others in the group felt the same way and expressed collective determination to do something about it. Overall the programme provided a great balance between the sessions, communication and online learning.”

Mohammed Nadeem, Not-for-Profit worker

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