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We know that mental wellbeing is of the utmost importance in any education setting. They can be both rewarding yet immensely challenging places to work, so helping your staff to manage their stress, energy, focus and reach their optimal performance can benefit everyone.

Likewise, the children in your care often experience all kinds of big emotions and behaviours as a result of experiences both in and out of school/ nursery. Helping them to navigate these emotions by training your staff or parents to be their emotional coach, teaching skills for life such as resilience, problem solving, emotional regulation/ intelligence, provides a perfect grounding for your children and community to thrive.   

We work across the whole education spectrum from early years to secondary schools. This includes MATs, diocese, PRUs, special schools, nurseries and childminders.

Whether your focus is on solving behaviour difficulties, supporting emotional needs of struggling pupils, improving pupil resilience following the impact of covid, upskilling your support or teaching staff in empowering the children, supporting parents who are struggling, aiming for a School Wellbeing Award, ensuring your staff look after their wellbeing or all of the above, we can help.

We provide a range of packages, workshops or inset days focusing on the wellbeing of your staff, children or parents. You can see a breakdown of the packages we have on offer below.

Our packages

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This package focuses solely on empowering your staff to improve their mental wellbeing and reaching optimal performance over 7 sessions. Completed in groups of up to 12, (to ensure social and emotional safety), we train them in essential tools for life: managing and improving stress, energy management, teamwork (at home & work), holding focus, self-awareness, bodily awareness, finding optimal performance (i.e. flow), so participants can reach their full potential using tried and tested methods based in scientific research.


This programme uses an experiential form of learning. This means in each session, via the exercises we use, participants learn how they behave, reflect on that, then put in to practice some new tools to help them improve how they react in similar circumstances moving forward. This is matched with access to an online learning area where a range of actions help embed the new tools in to their daily life, allow for deeper reflection and additional learning.

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If you would like to help your pupils/ children to build their ability to problem solve, emotionally regulate, be resilient and build emotional intelligence, this programme could be the key. It focuses on supporting your staff (over 7 sessions) to develop the skills, tools and self-awareness to become your children’s emotional coach. Building deep attachments and connections that allow children to feel safe, seen, heard and understood by your staff.

We draw on the latest scientific research around attachment theory, child development, neuroscience including brain and nervous system science, emotional intelligence and empowered conversations to expand their knowledge and understanding of a child’s inner world and how they can help them navigate the big emotions and daily challenges they face.


We challenge perceptions, build self-awareness and provide a toolkit of frameworks to empower both staff and child.

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You may have a number of children or parents you know are needing additional support right now, as a result of emotional needs or challenging behaviours displayed by the child. This package focuses on supporting those parents who are genuinely seeking deeper connection, desperately searching for a way to support their child's emotional needs and want to learn how to become empowered parents.

Echoing what may have been learnt by teachers in school (if you've used the Empowered Child Package), back in the home with those parents/ children who need support, could be an extremely powerful way of helping the child flourish in and out of school. As with the Empowered Child Package it teaches the same skills (plus some extras), self-awareness and ability to become their child’s emotional coach.


We run this in groups of 6-12, and include a discount per person (on our usual direct cost to parents) when buying for 6+ participants.

Workshop and inset training options

We also deliver each of the sessions covered on the Empowered Staff Package, and most of the sessions from the Empowered Child/ Parent Packages as standalone workshops. These are typically lengthened sessions where additional content can be added to widen the learning on a particular subject. Therefore, the workshops we can deliver are as follows:

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1.5hr - 2hr masterclasses - We can deliver shortened versions of the sessions listed above via Zoom and online learning.

Half day workshops - Each of the workshops listed above are typically delivered in half day blocks, with additional learning that would usually be covered in the online follow-up materials.

Full day workshops - Or we can combine sessions to cover a whole day training workshop. You can see the main learning points from the workshops descriptors provided in the package pages: Empowered Staff Package, Empowered Child Package, Empowered Parent Package.

We would work together to ensure we were clear on the needs and objectives of the training, carefully select the sessions to meet your needs and tailor as needed. We can also work with you to create tailored workshops and packages.

What clients & participants said

"Working with Project Resilience had been a breath of fresh air. The content was probing, thought provoking and very applicable. The delivery and facilitation was careful, engaging and with good heart. It was great spending time working through this high quality programme. I highly recommend this to other Executive Teams."

Nick Blackburn, CEO, Lingfield Education Trust

“The programme has challenged me to look at things from a different view and better prepare myself to work more effectively. I’ve realised taking time to stop, breathe and refresh is so important. I’m hoping that the programme will help me avoid that teacher burnout feeling we always feel by half term (or sometimes by Friday)! I’ve made changes to my lifestyle and I’ve certainly seen an impact. The biggest thing for me has been taking time to re-energise in order to be more productive. This is something I’ve not done in the past. I’ve typically worked continuously without breaking to re-energise and this has not always been productive. I’ve enjoyed finding out how there are such simple ways to do this. In addition to this, I’ve made a more conscious effort to make time for things I enjoy doing at weekends i.e. reading, colouring, walking. Now I’ve completed the programme, I can now see (and feel) the benefits of the activities that I have mentioned above.”


Catharine Harle, Primary School Senior Leader

“I felt the programme helped me reconnect with my own mental health during lockdown, which was a difficult time to be a leader in school. The programme made me think more deeply about the way I deal with concerns, issues, other people and staff, and how I land with people. It has had an impact on my lifestyle, as I now try to take more time to reflect, as well as making more time for myself.”

Ann Pringleton, Headteacher

“I enjoyed taking part in the programme and it’s encouraged me to be more mindful of my own mental health and wellbeing. I’m more mindful of my goals and feel I’ve a wider range of strategies to support me to achieve them. In addition, the programme has helped me be more aware of ways to support my own wellbeing; as a result I ensure I build time into my day to do this. Kathryn provided just the right balance of support and direction in each session.”

Primary School Senior Leader

“I’ve loved the sessions and it has made such a huge difference to me personally as well as professionally! I now take time to relax to re-energise , when normally I would have just cracked on with work! As for sleep, wow! As someone who has for many years functioned on between 3-6 hours a night except in the holidays, now when my brain wakes me up and starts over thinking, I use the technique and have zonked back off. It feels unbelievable! Being able to park things and prioritise better has made such as difference.”

Sue Richardson, Headteacher

“This programme has certainly been an interesting experience. I definitely feel I’ve a greater self awareness and can recognise stress triggers. The stress tools have helped with this, alongside trying to add in more frequent breaks like going for a walk at lunchtime. On a weekly basis I'm considering activities relating to balancing my energy, thinking about activities in these terms is helpful. Thank you for all your support throughout the programme, you've definitely given me lots of things to consider.”


Sally Purvis, Primary School Senior Leader

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