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If you would like to help the children in your care to build their ability to problem solve, emotionally regulate, be resilient and build emotional intelligence, this programme could be the key. It focuses on supporting your staff to develop the skills, tools and self-awareness to become your children’s emotional coach. Building deep attachments and connections that allow children to feel safe, seen, heard and understood by your staff.

We draw on the latest scientific research around attachment theory, child development, neuroscience, brain and nervous system science, emotional intelligence and empowered conversations, to expand their knowledge and understanding of a child’s inner world. This helping staff understand how they can help the children to navigate their big emotions and the daily challenges they face.

The latest science shows us that our children need us to be their emotional regulator, modelling always the behaviours we're asking them to embody, instead of trying to control them with reward or punishment. We challenge perceptions, build self-awareness and provide a toolkit of frameworks to empower both staff and child alike.

This programme can help a staff members to overcome massive barriers in themselves, understand why certain behaviours may trigger them to lose their patience or feel internalised frustration, whilst providing the tools for children to find safety, be more available to learn in class and flourish throughout life.

How does the programme work?

This programme consists of 7 sessions of 1.5 hours each, covering a welcome session and those listed in the boxes below. The programme is typically delivered once a week, but could also be delivered as inset training over 1.5 -2 days.


It is run for groups of up to 12 people, we limit it to this number to ensure social and emotional safety within the group. It's hard to to achieve such safety in larger groups, but can expand slightly to ensure staff aren't left out.


The live sessions are matched with access to an online learning area, which provides a range of action items and further resources. We ask that the actions are complete ahead of each session to enable them to get the most out of it. There is also a focus on this online area to embed the learning back in to the classroom.

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How do we train your staff to be the child's emotional coach?

The programme is based on the key learnings from the Jai Insititiute of Parenting, who've trained hundreds up on hundreds of coaches who work with parents, across education settings, social workers, carers, etc. The key components of their teachings are transferable across all 'caregivers to children'.


Their fundamental and guiding philosophy (and that of ours) is based on this truth: Children’s behavior is a direct reflection of their needs (met or unmet) and our triggers (expressed consciously or expressed unconsciously). When we change, children’s behavior changes. Without exception. This programme provides a deep transformational experience for the child's caregiver/ teacher first. 


As residual feelings and unconscious belief patterns are let go — caregivers are able to quickly release the old, limiting beliefs and replace them with their own empowering beliefs—the ones that will truly support their best care-giving/ teaching.


Since the unconscious mind accounts for over 90% of our behavior, caregivers/ teachers see a change almost immediately, even before they receive any tools. The specific tools and strategies that we do teach are grounded in the foundations of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Emotional Intelligence and the Neuroplasticity work of Dr. Bruce Lipton. 

Programme sessions and components

Week 1: Welcome 
orientation & intentions

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We'll take them through the journey they can expect over the 7 sessions, set emotional & social safety in the group, as well as bringing clarity to their intentions and end goals for doing this programme.

Week 2: Making sense of attachment science

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We'll delve in to attachment science: understanding what this means at home, how this can show up in class, how the teacher can earn a safe attachment and providing practical 'how to' interventions.

Week 3: Making sense of the nervous system

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Here we'll get in to the physiology of empowered teaching. Understanding when both adult and/ or a child are dysregulated and actions you can take to bring both back to a state of calm and safety.

Week 4: Making sense of brain science

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You'll learn the latest child development and the ability to master 'mindsight'. This is a focused attention allowing you to see the inner world of a child's mind. Learn what blocks  it and how we can strengthen it!

Week 5: Making sense of emotional intelligence

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This week considers how empathy is a teacher's superpower. It challenges them to consider what keeps them from empathy, their limiting beliefs about children & the 8 basic needs of a child.

Week 6: Empowered conversations

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They'll learn a new language of life called 'nonviolent communication' which promotes their ability to speak so a child will listen and listen so a child will speak.Promoting connection
in conflict rather than distancing.

Week 7: Your personal transformation

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We'll look back at the original intentions set for the programme, consider if we've achieved them, celebrate the shifts/ successes, consider how & where to continue developing, and how to embed it in class.

Online learning and access to network

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The 7 live sessions will be supported by an online learning area, where they'll be asked to complete actions/ access further resources ahead of a session to deepen learning. Plus access to their cohort/ support.

What clients & participants said

"Working with Project Resilience had been a breath of fresh air. The content was probing, thought provoking and very applicable. The delivery and facilitation was careful, engaging and with good heart. It was great spending time working through this high quality programme. I highly recommend this to other Executive Teams."

Nick Blackburn, CEO, Lingfield Education Trust

“Project Resilience's training enabled me to apply myself more effectively as a practitioner. I would highly recommend their work. The synergy between the thinking, the intent of the curriculum for adults and the ways in which they draw on research-informed approaches to resilience and mindset building is excellent. It enables colleagues and participants to not only be open and transparent about their learning; but allows for them to really consider the 'so what?' of the learning in context of their family, work and personal life. I recommend their work and approach without reservation.”

Sean Harris, Doctoral Researcher, Senior Leader & Journalist

“Kathryn is an excellent facilitator who is able to bring together the different perspectives and experiences of the group to ensure we get the most out of the sessions. But more importantly, she is caring and supportive and has created a safe space for the group to share our thoughts without judgement."

Elizabeth Phillips-Rennie, Assistant Director

"Project Resilience's director (Kathryn) was expert at introducing our group to new tools and theories to support us. All of these are incredibly accessible and useful to every area of life and I’m going to enjoy applying them more and more. I’ve stopped trying to multi-task (and be super mum) and am focusing on one thing at a time and doing that really well, which is noticeably impacting my relationships positively too."

Katie Cox, Manager at Education Charity

"The programme created a safe space and peer network group for me to have honest and open conversations that have developed and deepened my self awareness. Awareness on how to better self regulate in this fast paced, every changing and often challenging world we live in. I highly recommend the programme with Kathryn!

Nadine Nelson, Manager at Education Charity

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