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Education, charitable and public sector settings are some of the most challenging, yet rewarding settings to work in. A recognition of the challenges faced, even in 'normal' never mind pandemic times, shouldn't be overlooked. Providing your staff with tools to navigate such challenges and even reach their optimal performance is paramount to success.


Those challenges faced in these settings has only increased since our world got turned upside in 2020. Many settings have seen the impact of the changes Covid has brought over the last couple of years, via increased pressures on their organisation, staff, communities, parents and children. Those suffering from poor mental wellbeing and resilience (adults and children alike) have soared.

We want to support you to create a culture of wellbeing and this starts with your staff. Our vision is of a future where every parent, carer, educator and child are trained in the resilience tools needed to thrive in this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world. By providing our children and those who nurture them with such tools, we create a current and future society able to sustain wellbeing no matter what stresses, pressures or crisis situations are thrown their way. 

​The services offered by Project Resilience to support the empowerment of your staff team both measure and increase resilience. Most importantly, our 'Empowered staff programme' trains in essential tools for life: managing and improving stress, energy management, teamwork (at home & work), holding focus, self-awareness, bodily-awareness, finding optimal performance (i.e. flow), so they can reach their full potential using tried and tested methods based in scientific research. 

How does the programme work?

This programme consists of 7 sessions of 1.5 hours each, covering a welcome session and those listed in the 'mountain image' to the right. Whilst the programme is typically delivered once a week, we’ve found that sessions also work well when delivered fortnightly.


It is run for groups of up to 12 people, we limit it to this number to ensure social and emotional safety within the group. It's hard to to achieve such safety in larger groups. 


The live sessions are matched with access to an online learning area, which provides a range of action items and bonus materials to help embed learning from the sessions in to their daily lives, as well as allowing for deeper reflection and development. Approximately 1-2hrs should be allowed between each session to complete these actions.

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How do we train resilience and wellbeing?

We use the Mind5 METHOD © to challenge an individuals ability to improve their mental wellbeing and build resilience. Including stress management, energy management, team work, holding focus and optimal performance, as well as giving space for development and reflection to pull all the learning together.

The method uses practical exercises as a metaphor and an experiential form of learning. This means in each session, via the exercises we use, they will learn how they behave, reflect on that linking it back to their daily lives, then put in to practice some new skills to help them improve how they react in similar circumstances moving forward. This approach to learning is more likely to be committed to long term memory and drawn on in the heat of the moment they need it, as we link it to an emotion.

The method is scientifically based and includes influences from sports, sports and social psychology, mindfulness, neuroscience, leadership studies and sociology.

We combine the Mind5 method with the Mental Toughness 4Cs framework and assessment. This is an optional part of the programme. Mental Toughness is a personality trait that improves performance and wellbeing meaning that you are more likely to be successful in your personal and professional life. It is defined as:

  • Resilience – the ability to bounce back from setbacks and failures and

  • Positivity – the ability to spot and seize opportunities.


Mentally tough people are more outcome focused and are better at making things happen without being distracted by their own or other peoples’ emotions. It is a plastic personality trait, meaning it can be developed.


Mental Toughness can be measured using the MTQ48 psychometric tool (assessment), which was constructed by Professor Peter Clough of Manchester Metropolitan University. We use the Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ48), to complete an assessment of the strengths and sensitivities of each person's mental toughness. Thus, helping them understand what areas they need to focus on developing to build their resilience and reach optimal performance. 


It is scientifically valid and reliable and based on the 4C’s mental toughness framework, which measures the key components of mental toughness – Control, Commitment, Challenge and Confidence.

The key skill areas we're training people in are listed below. These are all combined in to our 7 session programme, as well as offering separate workshops on each of them, or combining in to half day/ full day workshops or inset days.

Programme sessions and components

Mental toughness


Employees get Mental Toughness scores via the MTQ48 psychometric measure with AQR International, so they can understand their resilience strengths & development areas.

Support network

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Having a like-minded network facing the same challenges can be reassuring. They'll build a trusting network with their cohort (this can be internal or external) and have a shared language to use at work.

Manage stress

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Both life in general & life since the pandemic results in constant stress. They will learn to recognise when they're stressed & quickly bring themselves back to calm, this is an essential tool in this crazy new world.

Manage energy

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Employees can sometimes feel like they're burning the candle at both ends! We help them find a way of managing their energy and that of their family or work team, so they can be their best at home and work


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They will discover what social patterns occur in their 'teams' at work, with their partner, family, friends. They'll understand how others influence their behaviour & learn to change things in their control.

Hold focus

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We'll show them how to hold focus on their commitment to achieving their goals, how to be assertive where they might have lost their confidence, how to improve their circles of attention and how to set effective goals.

Optimal levels

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They will learn the secret mix to finding flow, whilst discovering their unique talents. Using this will build confidence to step out of their comfort zone, avoid the panic zone and achieve planned moments of flow. 

Develop & reflect

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We'll give them space to understand the importance of reflection, development & self awareness, so they can keep adapting to new challenges with each step of their lives or latest nationwide challenge.

What clients & participants said

"Working with Project Resilience had been a breath of fresh air. The content was probing, thought provoking and very applicable. The delivery and facilitation was careful, engaging and with good heart. It was great spending time working through this high quality programme. I highly recommend this to other Executive Teams."

Nick Blackburn, CEO, Lingfield Education Trust

“The programme increased my awareness of my work/home balance and how to notice stress when it becomes a negative attribute. It’s helped me acknowledge techniques I use to manage stress aren't always best practise. I’ve adapted the way I prioritise and include personal goals within these priorities. This has allowed me to give myself periods to reflect and act before stressors become serious. This programme was really well balanced, interesting and well presented. I've never been on such an interactive and diverse programme, it’s the best I've been on.”

Joe Freeman, Local Authority Worker

“The programme has challenged me to look at things from a different view and better prepare myself to work more effectively. I’ve realised taking time to stop, breathe and refresh is so important. I’m hoping that the programme will help me avoid that teacher burnout feeling we always feel by half term (or sometimes by Friday)! I’ve made changes to my lifestyle and I’ve certainly seen an impact. The biggest thing for me has been taking time to re-energise in order to be more productive. This is something I’ve not done in the past. I’ve typically worked continuously without breaking to re-energise and this has not always been productive. I’ve enjoyed finding out how there are such simple ways to do this. In addition to this, I’ve made a more conscious effort to make time for things I enjoy doing at weekends i.e. reading, colouring, walking. Now I’ve completed the programme, I can now see (and feel) the benefits of the activities that I have mentioned above.”


Catharine Harle, Primary School Senior Leader

“The programme has opened my eyes to areas that I need to work on. I've known about these areas but this programme challenged them head on. It’s made me realise that I can (and now do) mentally log off every day. That has really helped during the home working / home schooling months. I’ve found the programme, along with the tools it teaches, very useful.”

Su Barrett, Local authority worker

“This programme has certainly been an interesting experience. I definitely feel I’ve a greater self awareness and can recognise stress triggers. The stress tools have helped with this, alongside trying to add in more frequent breaks like going for a walk at lunchtime. On a weekly basis I'm considering activities relating to balancing my energy, thinking about activities in these terms is helpful. Thank you for all your support throughout the programme, you've definitely given me lots of things to consider.”


Sally Purvis, Primary School Senior Leader

“The programme has allowed me to see light at the end of the tunnel. It’s changed my perspective from a glass being half empty to a glass being half full. It’s allowed me to relax a lot more and not stress about things that are not in my control. The programme allowed me to see I wasn't alone in lockdown frustrations, as others in the group felt the same way and expressed collective determination to do something about it. Overall the programme provided a great balance between the sessions, communication and online learning.”

Mohammed Nadeem, Not-for-Profit worker

“I’ve loved the sessions and it has made such a huge difference to me personally as well as professionally! I now take time to relax to re-energise , when normally I would have just cracked on with work! As for sleep, wow! As someone who has for many years functioned on between 3-6 hours a night except in the holidays, now when my brain wakes me up and starts over thinking, I use the technique and have zonked back off. It feels unbelievable! Being able to park things and prioritise better has made such as difference.”

Sue Richardson, Headteacher

I really enjoyed the workshop. It was lovely to engage with other members of staff, listening to their thoughts and input both on a work level and personal level. It made me realise we’re all in similar situations and there for each other. All of the material, both in the workshop and online, was very good and helpful. It was really well presented; people were at ease and able to discuss their feelings freely. I think everyone would benefit from this workshop, especially people in stressful jobs or with stressful home lives.”

Linda McCabe, Charity based worker

“I felt the programme helped me reconnect with my own mental health during lockdown, which was a difficult time to be a leader in school. The programme made me think more deeply about the way I deal with concerns, issues, other people and staff, and how I land with people. It has had an impact on my lifestyle, as I now try to take more time to reflect, as well as making more time for myself.”

Ann Pringleton, Headteacher

“I needed a review of my work / life balance and progressing through the programme has highlighted various areas I need to adjust. The session on what gives you energy and what drains your energy was greatly helpful in analysing both the professional and personal sections of my life. It has given me the confidence and evidence to make and request changes to improve the stress in my life.”

Chris Buckley, Charity based worker

"I’ve had some real lightbulb moments around accessing “flow” state and making the most of my time. An enormously valuable programme for those who’ve convinced themselves they need to be everything to everyone all the time (spoiler alert - you don’t!) led by a highly skilled and knowledgeable trainer.”

Abby Taylor, Charity based worker

"Kathryn's training enabled me to apply myself more effectively as a practitioner. I would highly recommend her work. The synergy between her thinking, the intent of her curriculum for adults and the ways in which she draws on research-informed approaches to resilience and mindset building is excellent. It enables colleagues and participants to not only be open and transparent about their learning; but allows for them to really consider the 'so what?' of the learning in context of their family, work and personal life. I recommend her work and approach without reservation."

Sean Harris, Doctoral Researcher, School Leader and Journalist 

At just half way through the programme I could already see a real difference in how I approached situations and had a much better understanding of behaviours in myself and others. What I like most about the programme is that the actions and takeaways from every session are really simple to understand and incredibly effective. I have made quite significant changes and the programme has definitely helped me both in terms of making those changes but also feeling confident in the direction I am going.

Olivia, Charity based worker

"The programme with Kathryn is brilliant. The content and Kathryn’s excellent facilitation have given me some real easy to implement tools for life. Tools to better manage and protect my time and energy, particularly in stressful moments. The programme has created a safe space and peer network group for me to have honest and open conversations that have developed and deepened my self awareness. Awareness on how to better self regulate and live more mindfully in this fast paced, every changing and often challenging world we live in. I highly recommend the programme with Kathryn!"

Nadine Nelson, Charity based worker

"Project resilience has helped me to better visualize my goals, providing me with tools that have helped me to identify when I’m experiencing peak performance, and how to manage my time and energy more effectively. The space Kathryn creates in each session is warm, inviting and safe to be yourself and really engage with colleagues in our group."

Ashley Forbes, Charity based worker

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